Monday, August 17, 2009

The Problem With Skeptics....

So I am relaunching this blog. I want to have a place talk about the American Culture and where we as believers fit in on this.

As I write this, I just had a conversation with an old friend of mine. It was good to here from him, but at the same time I was saddened to here that he had basically lost his faith. How did this happen? We grew up together, attending the same church. We heard the same messages, knew all the same old gospel songs....

I'll tell you what happened, my friend has become disillusioned with the Church and at times I have to say who can blame him. The problem is that we aren't educating Christians about the faith.
At the same time, non-believers repeat anti-Christian rhetoric that is based solely on things they've heard. (Most of which is a half-truth at best).
How can we can expect to do as Peter suggests (1 Peter 3:15) and defend our faith when half of us are just as bad as the world,...we believe it because it felt good and we haven't honestly thought about it. There are so many misunderstandings about the Bible by believers that it's not wonder that agnostics still can't get a good answer.

The problem with skeptics is that they have questions and we need to sit down and talk to them rather then argue. The most important thing that we need to reflect Christ's love but at the same time we need to be ready to tell the truth.
In America we treat salvation like it's a luxury cruise when in all reality it is a needed life jacket.

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